Hiking trails

Beware!. All the information on this website refers to the date of approval or the date of the last quality control of each trail, in which the FEMECV checked its conformity. The hiker should bear in mind that after these dates there may have been a deficit in signposting and maintenance, for which the promoting entity is responsible.
In addition, mountain sports involve risks derived from the activity itself and the environment in which they are carried out, which are fully assumed by each athlete, for which they must be trained, planned, properly equipped and make responsible use of the trails.
If you have used a trail and have encountered a problem or see that some information is missing, you can contact the FEMECV through the contact form on the website.

1 results obtained
trail image


Promoter: Ayuntamiento de Altea

Certification status: Positive quality control

Reference municipality: Altea Length: 18,10 km Estimated walking time: 07:45:00 Elevation gain: 1.085 m Elevation loss: 1.085 m