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Promoter: Ayuntamiento de Chiva

Certification status: No quality controls

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There is no proof of quality control on the record of this trail in the last years. For this reason, it is unknown whether it complies with the optimal signage and maintenance conditions for hikers to take the trail following these signs exclusively.
Hikers have to take into consideration that the information about the signage and maintenance of the trails for which the promoter entity is responsible might not be up to date anymore, since it refers to its state on the date of its approval. Furthermore, mountain sports entail risks associated with the activity itself and the environment where they take place, for which any person is fully liable. For this reason, hikes need to be planned properly and adequate training, equipment and sensible use of the trails are required.

This route follows part of the Vereda Real Senda Malviaje (Royal Path) through the Chiva mountain range. It runs along the crest of the sierra, with magnificent views of the Turia valley and the Calderona mountain range. Beyond these, you can make out the Gúdar and Calderón mountain ranges, and even the Penyagolosa, the gulf and the Huerta of Valencia.

One way (point-to-point)
Technical data:
16,70 km
Estimated walking time:
Elevation gain:
420 m
Elevation loss:
725 m
MIDE ratings:
Level of natural risks:
Navigation on the trail:
Hiking difficulty:
Fitness level needed:

More information on Montaña Segura

Difficulty rating according to FEDME:
Starting point:
End Point:
Useful information:
Date of certification:
Date of the act of registration in the Public Register:
Reference municipality:
Otros municipios por los que transcurre:
Cartography IGN MTN25:
0694-4; 0695-3

Downloadable from the Catalogue of the IGN Map Library

See other trails of this promoter:
Protected Natural Spaces:

We advise you to look up the regulations and/or authorisations for using the trails in these conservation areas on the website of the Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Infraestructuras y Territorio

  • Sierra de Chiva (Municipal Natural Site)
Key points of the route:

Fuente La Peraleja (spring), urb. La Peraleja (residential area) - Cerro de la Grana (peak) - Cerro del Morro (peak) - Collado de las Yerbas (col) - Collado de la Castellana (col) - Fuente de Viñas (spring)

Route description (only available in Spanish)

Salimos de la Fuente de la Peraleja, situada en la urbanización del mismo nombre, en ascenso y dirección este hasta encontrar el camino de Siete Aguas a Gestalgar. Seguimos este en dirección sur hasta cruzar el cauce de un arroyo y situarnos a los pies del Cerro de la Grana, encontrando a nuestra izquierda el camino del Monte Gordo, en ascenso hasta llegar al Cerro del Morro, en el término municipal de Gestalgar.Seguimos por camino llegando a los 1.000 metros de altura en la zona del Alto de la Yerba, en este punto iniciamos el descenso continúo, encontramos el cruce de camino que conduce al observatorio forestal Las Yerbas, tomamos el camino de la izquierda pasando por el Collado de las Yerbas y el Collado de la Cazoleta, al pasar este ultimo encontramos cruce de caminos, seguimos por la izquierda en descenso durante 450 metros, justo antes de llegar a curva a izquierda cogemos senda a derecha y dirección sur.La senda en descenso nos conduce al Collado de la Castellana, donde nos volvemos a incorporar a camino, a pocos metros encontramos cruce de caminos, seguimos de frente en ascenso durante unos metros, este nos lleva pasando por el Mojón de los Tres Cuartos y la Casa de Viñas a la Fuente de Viñas, punto donde terminamos el recorrido. 


Beware! Navigation devices may fail, batteries may run out of power and devices may break down. Do not use only electronic means to track your activities in the mountains; they must be used as a complement to the map and compass. Get some proper training and enjoy the mountains.