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Promoter: Ayuntamiento de Morella

Certification status: Conditioned quality control

0 reviews

Following the inspection carried out by trail technicians, this trail has been declared of "limited adequacy" as a result of the faults detected in the signage. These include inadequate horizontal signs (paint markers) and/or vertical ones (trailheads and information boards) or lacking direction markers that do not provide sufficient information to properly follow the route. The builder of this trail has been informed of the situation.
For safety reasons and during maintenance work, it is advised to be extremely careful while taking this route. Furthermore, mountain sports entail risks associated with the activity itself and the environment where they take place, for which any person is fully liable. For this reason, hikes need to be planned properly and adequate training, equipment and sensible use of the trails are required.

A trail full of attractions that starts from the monumental Morella, passes by the chapel of Santa Llúcia (said to be the first leprosarium in Comunitat Valenciana) and then immediately leads to the two sections of the aqueduct from the 12th-14th centuries that still have their stone-pitted channels. It continues through isolated rugged terrain to the beautiful district of Herbeset, crossing beautiful stretches of path between stone walls and wayside crosses.

One way (point-to-point)
Technical data:
12,30 km
Estimated walking time:
Elevation gain:
460 m
Elevation loss:
290 m
MIDE ratings:
Level of natural risks:
Navigation on the trail:
Hiking difficulty:
Fitness level needed:

More information on Montaña Segura

Difficulty rating according to FEDME:
Starting point:
End Point:
Interest Tags:
Trail with historical-artistic interest

Useful information:
Date of certification:
Date of the act of registration in the Public Register:
Date of the last Quality Control:
september de 2023
Reference municipality:
Cartography IGN MTN25:
0545-1; 0545-2

Downloadable from the Catalogue of the IGN Map Library

See other trails of this promoter:
Protected Natural Spaces:

We advise you to look up the regulations and/or authorisations for using the trails in these conservation areas on the website of the Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Infraestructuras y Territorio

  • L'Alt Maestrat, Tinença de Benifassà, Turmell i Vallibana (SPAB - Special Protection Area for Birds)
  • Tinença de Benifassà, Turmell y Vallivana (SIC - Site of Community Interest)
Key points of the route:

Morella - Ermita Santa Llúcia (chapel) - Els Arcs (aqueduct) - PR-CV 216 connection - N-232 Road - Fuente de Vinatxos (spring) - Carmino de la Perpinyana (path) - La Carcellera - Peiró de Sant Antoni (wayside cross) - Herbeset

Route description (only available in Spanish)

Desde las proximidades del Portal de Sant Miquel descendemos por el antiguo camino que lleva a la ermita de Santa Llúcia donde se encuentra el primer tramo de acueducto. Continuamos por su derecha para cruzar por debajo de uno de sus arcos camino al segundo tramo que no rebasaremos. Dejamos el asfalto para ascender por camino en buen estado hasta la masía de la Torre el Posso donde se inicia el PR-CV 216 que lleva la pedanía de Xiva. Seguimos hacia el E hasta alcanzar la N-232 donde giramos bruscamente por unos metros hacia el SO para cruzar la Ctra. por debajo. Continuamos en suave ascenso y, tras llanear unos metros, alcanzamos el conocido como peirón de 'La prima dels Coixos' (dedicado a San Antonio y Santa Bárbara). Al poco llegamos a la font de Vinatxos para empezar con un tramo de pista asfaltada hasta superar el conocido depósito de les Llomes de Cap de Riu que sirve el agua a la población de Morella. Atajamos la pista asfaltada por un sendero y enseguida la abandonamos definitivamente para coger el conocido camino de la Perpinyana justo en las cercanías de l'avenc de la Carcellera. Casi al llegar al barranco dejamos a la derecha la fuente que da nombre al camino y ascendemos hasta alcanzar una pista en el punto conocido como menjador de la Carcellera. Iniciamos un nuevo tramo de bonito sendero en una zona muy aislada que asciende hasta alcanzar la CV-105 junto al Peiró de Sant Antoni en un escenario de vistas privilegiadas. Siguiendo por carretera alcanzamos la pedanía de Herbeset.


Beware! Navigation devices may fail, batteries may run out of power and devices may break down. Do not use only electronic means to track your activities in the mountains; they must be used as a complement to the map and compass. Get some proper training and enjoy the mountains.

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